Forum Obywatelskiego Rozwoju

Marcin Zieliński, Regulatory Expropriation in the Emergency Medical Services in Poland,

For PiS (Law and Justice), any – real or apparent – ills that plague the Polish society serve as a pretext to increase the politicization of the economy. In 2013, that is before PiS came to power, Poland was ahead of other OECD and the European Union countries in terms of the state ownership. Recently, however, nothing has been done to reduce the interference of politicians in the economy. On the contrary, we are still seeing new steps towards further nationalization of enterprises or crowding out the private sector.

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FOR: ustawa o zakazie handlu jest bublem,

Forum Obywatelskiego Rozwoju, fundacja, której przewodniczącym jest Leszek Balcerowicz, twierdzi, że znalazła kolejny dowód na to, że ustawa jest bublem. Zdaniem FOR, prawo można ominąć ustawiając automaty w sklepach, gdyż ustawa nie precyzuje miejsc ustawiania automatów, a także zezwala (zupełnie sensownie) na handel za ich pomocą.

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Marek Tatała, Poland on Orbán’s Lap,

It is Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán who is to defend the Law and Justice (PiS) government against the consequences of violations of the rule of law in Poland. These violations have led eventually to the reactions set out in the EU treaties. The Polish ruling party can blame only itself.

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