Forum Obywatelskiego Rozwoju

FOR: Evaluating 500+ Program in Poland, 4Liberty

The introduction of the controversial 500+ program in Poland has so far resulted in no increase in fertility rate. Noteworthy, 12% of the program budget would be sufficient to eliminate extreme child poverty. Meanwhile, 100,000 women were pushed out of the labor market.

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Patryk Wachowiec: Disciplinary Regime under ECJ Review: Poland and Dispute Over Admissibility, 4Liberty

On Tuesday, June 18, 2019, the European Court of Justice considered two preliminary requests submitted by courts in Lodz and Warsaw. Both courts are concerned whether the new system of disciplinary proceedings against judges meets EU standards, particularly those enshrined in the principle of effective judicial protection. However, the hearing was mainly focused not on particular provisions of law questioned by the Polish courts, but on the admissibility of the questions these courts referred to the ECJ.

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Marek Tatała: Alcohol, Cigarettes, Food, Beverages: Poland More Restrictive Than Germany and the Czech Republic, 4Liberty

The Nanny State Index 2019 measures the level of restrictive regulations governing the sale and consumption of food, non-alcoholic beverages, alcohol, tobacco, and e-cigarettes. The higher a country’s ranking, the more restrictive the regulations. Poland is still among the countries with strong restrictions and currently ranks 12th in the ranking. The improvement from the ninth place in the previous edition does not result from the liberalization of regulations in our country, but only from minor changes in methodology and deterioration of the situation in other countries.

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Aleksander Łaszek o PPK: to nie jest program emerytalny, AleBank

Aleksander Łaszek, Główny Ekonomista FOR zadaje pytanie skąd państwo będzie brało środki na dofinansowanie kont uczestników PPK, i od razu odpowiada, że państwo zrezygnuje z wydatkowania środków na inne cele. Jego zdaniem inwestycje w PPK mogą doprowadzić do tego część aktywów przesunie  się z rynku nieruchomości na rynek kapitałowy, co może być korzystnym zjawiskiem.

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