"We promote freedom"


Improve the Law

The project Improve the Law was initiated in response to the needs of entrepreneurs who, on a daily basis, face legal barriers to doing business. The goal of our work is to promote removal of these barriers. Using a specially prepared web questionnaire, we collect signals reported by businesses and then analyze and propose possible changes in the law.

The result of our activity are reports containing specific proposals for legislative changes or for actions creating better legal environment for business. Over-regulation has been a headache for Polish entrepreneurs, who lose time and energy to implement the requirements that do not serve the economy. Good law for business, free of unnecessary obstacles or formalities, is an important factor of economic growth. In the past we recommended, for example, relaxation of obligations related to medical certificates of capacity to work (requiring medical examination by an occupational physician), and also simplification of  appeal procedures against decisions of regulatory authorities (URE -Energy Regulatory Office, UKE - the Office for Electronic Communications and UOKiK - the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection). These postulates have been - fully or partially - met, and thus the law has become more business friendly.

However, improvement of  law is an ongoing process. We invite you to visit the specially created website www.ulepszprawo.pl, where you can find our questionnaire. We encourage you to fill it out and let us know about legal barriers to doing business that you have encountered. 

Also there you will find information about our current activities, recent publications and postulates that were fulfilled.